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Winter Skin Must have #4

Add Humidity to Your Environment. 


Consider Using A Humidifier

One of the best ways to support healthy skin hydration is with a humidifier. Our skin has a natural layer of oil, lipids, and sweat on the surface that lubricates and provides a protective barrier, and holds moisture. This layer needs extra love during the colder months when the air outside is dry. We have indoor heating, which can reduce humidity as skin-supporting air in your home becomes too dry. As a result, the skin has a more challenging time retaining moisture. 

A humidifier adds water and moisture to the air. The added moisture supports the skin's barrier layer and improves sleep, reduces dry eyes, lubricates the nasal passages, and much more. Be sure to clean your humidifier regularly to prevent bacteria and other microbes!

 Adding Indoor Plants to Your Home

Introducing plants to your home is a beautiful and uplifting way to increase indoor humidity. After plants utilize water for photosynthesis to make the food they need, they release most of it into the air. So adding an abundance of house plants is a fantastic way to help boost skin moisture!




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