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Why Organic

120 years ago, ALL food was organic!

For most of my life (so far), I didn't even know what organic was! A little embarrassing, but I was brought up in the fast-food era! We ate burgers and fries, and TV dinners!! The vegetables were hard to find, so it didn't matter, I guess.

But as a mom, I've learned a few things about food (on purpose), like:

1) The real organic stuff tastes better! We do a lot of things to our food these days, to make it bigger, juicier, tastier........... I learned this mostly from growing our cucumbers each year! They taste so much better than store-bought!

2) We put a lot of other "stuff" in food these days - preservatives, fillers, binders, etc. - and our bodies don't handle this stuff nicely - they don't know what it is! As a family, we try and minimize it!

3) So many non-organic fruits and vegetables are sprayed with pesticides (not allowed if certified organic) that have a lot of chemicals in them. Although pesticide use (the amount) has dropped significantly since the peak in 1981, the POTENCY of these chemicals has gone through the roof! Again the rule at our house is LESS IS BETTER!

Our kids need real food.....good food.....nourishing food..... to thrive!! And I will invest in that all day long!!! I hope you do too! Reach out in a DM if I can help!


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